Friday, November 28, 2008

Twilight The Movie

Twilight The Movie

As you all know the book is a bet seller and one of the best books of its own genre,for people who have read these books i assure you that only disappointment awaits you in this movie.Everyone is only interested in Rob Pattinson/Cedric and not that the movie,besides he is only nice to look at but he is nothing like Edward Cullen.Bella was i ok i guess,but i found her a bit too gothic in this movie,and one of my most fav characters is Edward and Jacob but the minute i saw Shark Boy and said "is he Jacob?!".The only thing which was nice in this movie was Charlie,Renee,and the Base ball game which was awesome in the movie!but James,Laurent and Victoria are big disappointments-and most of the parts were altered and it was NOT good!I know that there is going to be New Moon the movie and i hope that it will not disappoint us"Twi-hards" anymore.I give this movie a 1 out of 5 rating.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hey,new game spore!


In spore you get you create your own cell and eventually grow,there are 5 stages:cell,creature,tribal,civilization and space(not so sure what it is called).In the cell stage you get to swim around,you can also choose to be a herbivore,carnivore or an omnivore.Your mission in this stage is to grow,eat and stay alive,oh and also evolve-i really enjoyed this part of spore because its the more interesting and its the best and enjoyable part of the entire game.The graphics for the cell stage was absolutely amazing! other than that i thought it was quite boring and hard to understand.I only survived till tribal stage and the rest is forgotten,i told my brother to erase its existence from the computer because it occupied a lot space and i wanted to try playing the new Warcraft game which just came out.The people who created Spore are the same people who created Sims 1 and 2.For people who are really interested in Spore i would like to give a little more info on it,in the creature stage you evolve and go on land.There you try make friends and enemies,eat,grow,reproduce,migrate,evolve and even have a pack.Once you are smart enough(i mean your creature) you find out how to make fire,then you start you own tribe and its the same as the rest of the stages but you have more weapons and all that.

Basically you have to play it yourself to know more,i give this a 3 out of 5 rating.Because of the cell stage and nothing more.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Vampire Knight

Hey another review!Sorry if it was very late.

Vampire Knight!

Its an awesome manga and anime which is a must read for people who love Vamps and fantasy stuff,this was my 2 or 3 manga and now its an anime.The synopsis:

Yuuki Cross's earliest memory is of a snowy night in winter, when she was attacked by one vampire and was saved by another, Kaname Kuran.Yuki is the adopted daughter of the Headmaster of Cross Academy, Cross Kaien and has grown up and became a prefect for the school with one main purpose: to protect the Human Day Class Students and the Vampire Night Class Students from each other. Her fellow guardian, Zero Kiryu, a childhood companion whose parents were killed by a pureblood vampire, is now determined to kill them all and refuses to trust them. Through a cruel twist of fate, Zero becomes a vampire himself, having been bitten by a pure-blood vampire four years before, Shizuka Hio. Kaname leads the group of Night class as their President, with the help of Takuma Ichijo, the Vice-president.

Whew,thats one heck of a story.I give it a 3and half out of 5 rating.I suggest that everyone reads and watches it,if you want to watch it please watch it on youtube or cruchyroll.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Skip Beat

Hey,i didn't mention that i would also review animes.hehehe.Well now everyone knows.

Skip Beat

This was originally a manga,which i read then i heard from sources that it was about to become an anime.It is the story of Kyoko Mogami a16-year-old girl who discovers her childhood friend, Sho Fuwa, who is an aspiring pop idol as well as the boy she loves, only keeps her around to act as a maid and earn money. Furious and heart broken, she vows to get revenge by beating him in show business.This is really funny,and i recommend that everyone has to watch it-later on Kyoko meets Tsuruga Ren who is now the top actor in the industry and Fuwa Sho hates him.So i give this a 5 out of 5 rating,you could say that this is as good as bleach!There is really nothing much to say,after all this-my advice is watch it on the internet or read the manga.The author Yoshiki Nakamura is very talented,she has done other comics as well but this is one of her best.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Twilight Saga

hey guys,hope you like this one.

Twilight Saga

Everyone knows that this is a world famous series by Stephenie Meyer,this book is your typical teenage girl book-as in only teenage girls would read this book and it has its dose of romance in it.But to tell you the truth i was sucked into this madness,and i too became a rabid fan girl.But,after time passed by i saw every girl i know reading this book-and the other 3 sequels as well.After i finished this series,i had a feeling like i had lost something precious,that shows how serious i was in reading the book.This book was mainly about vampires and werewolves,it was like vampires were the bad guys and heroes-while the werewolves were just 'sidekicks'.There were many things i didn't like in all 4 books,some people would agree with me-because the author was rushed into everything.

To keep it short,this story revolves around a 17 year old girl named Bella-she moved to a depressing place called Forks,and she finally meets a whole coven of vamps and one of them had his interest in her.His name is Edward and he is filthy rich and her best friend was the Alpha wolf of a werewolf pack.I don't really want to say the whole story here,because there's too much to write,so i would give this book a 3 1/2 rating out of 5.Oh and the movie is coming out, if you have read the saga,then i suggest you don't go and see the movie.If you haven't read the saga then you should watch the movie,please forget to catch the movie!it comes out on 21 November.FORGET ok!

Hot n' Cold

hey,you know the usual please comment and vote.hehehe!

Hot n' Cold

As we all know Hot n' Cold is Katy Perry's new single from her album(which i forgot the name).I am her number one fan!anyway her first hit was I Kissed A Girl,that song was good-it had a dark aura to it which is kinda goth and cool put together.This song always reminded me of supernatural stuff,normally i listen to my MP3 before i sleep and my brother downloaded this song for me,every time i listened to it-it reminded me of the movie Interview With The Vampire.That was where i first heard one of the GNR songs,anyway back to Hot n' Cold its the next best song that she sang.Its about how people get moody and she has a lot of themes in this video,like hip hop,vampire night club,wedding and much more.But the ones i just mentioned are the main ones,and this song a has very good lyrics-the melody is good too.I would give it a 4 out of 5 rating because I Kissed A Girl is number one in my charts!

Warcraft 1,2 3

Hey,hope you comment and vote.

Warcraft 1,2,3

This game is for people who enjoy killing,and starting wars all over the world.I have only play Reign Of Caos(3) and the expansion pack(frozen throne),this game is the most exciting and time consuming game i have ever played.You get to control your own people and the best part is you are one of the Hero's in this game,that is if you play missions-i prefer to play missions because there is a story line.And you don't have to kill or make allies all the time,you have missions such as destroy the Elves Sunwell(in Frozen Throne if you've played the game).No matter how many times your hero dies,you can bring him or her back to life-remember this game takes time(I mean lots of time) because you keep dying,at least 2 times a mission.

The final mission is to go to the glacier where the In Reign Of Caos(3) the night elves save the world from the undead.To keep it short that is,and in Frozen Throne-Arthas turns evil and becomes a death knight.His mission is to save the Lich King is in the glacier.In order to do that he has to defeat Illidan the night elf,and the naga who has chosen Illidan as their master and the blood elves as well-they too follow Illidan on his quest to find power.Basically you have to know the story in order to understand what i am saying-i have played this game 3 times and i still don't get bored!I would give this game a 5 out of 5 rating.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Game No.1:Sims 2

hey,please comment and vote on my other blog and this one as well!


its a very addictive game,i can say that much as an addict!Anyway in this game you learn how to control your sim,you create your own sim and start playing till your eyes hurt.The objective is to fulfill your sim's needs and ambitions.This game will never end,there are many editions to this game-like Sims Uni,Sims Open business and many more.Your sim will age,but there are ways to prevent it-but i can't share it with you.Anyway i recommend that everyone should play this game,my whole family worship it.Other than that there isn't much to say,oh and this is hard to install.If you are new to computer games than you might have a tough time trying to install it-its a bit stubborn,but it works in the end.You learn how to live a life that you planned and made from scratch.You could become a real Casa Nova or you could become a business tycoon,its your wish but it is hard to reach the top of your game.Take it from a person whose lived her life by playing sims-and that's me!I give this a 5 star rating.